What is an Undergraduate Degree?

An Undergraduate Degree is an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited online college, public or private university.

Unlike a Graduate Degree, an Undergrad Degree is more common with an extensive range of programs from business administration, psychology, computer science to nursing.

Did you know?

More than 80% of undergrad students hold credits from other college courses that can be used towards their new degree.

Undergrad Back to School

How long does it take to earn a degree?

An individual can obtain an Undergraduate Degree program in as little as two to four years. Whether you’re pursing an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts, an online degree could be a convenient potential option.

Undergraduate studies occur after post-secondary education (i.e. high school).

The intention of an Undergrad Degree is for a student to obtain specific education in the desired field of study, acquire related knowledge and develop relevant skills.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

  • High School Diploma and Transcripts
  • Scholastic Aptitude/Assessment Scores (SAT)
  • American College Testing Scores (ACT)
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language Scores (TOEFL – may vary by institute)
  • Letters of Recommendation (helpful)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0
Undergraduate Library

Undergraduate Benefits

Undergrads have the possibility of increasing their salary potential, range of career opportunities and employment options.

The average Undergraduate Degree salary is approximately $41,000 - $59,000 .
